I refer to a letter in the newspapers on this topic, stating that "those who rely on model answers for success will look for a crutch." It is "a lack of thinking ability, only (to) help to retard one's mental faculties (and resulting in) a dearth of inventors." Another seems apparently fed up with this and questioned in his letter as to whether "this issue should be brought up with CASE" against the publishers, if MOE did not look into the matter.
The most obnoxious effect of following model exam answers is that of mere regurgitation. Funnily enough, students seem to do worse when 'vomiting' them out onto the answer scripts, as compared to when giving their own two cents' worth towards the exam questions. Strange but true, as heard with my own ears. This was a no-no even while doing my degree. The examiners' comments each year contained lashings towards students who did just that till the phenomenon stopped altogether. There is literary plagiarism but this is "exam plagiarism" then. The only thing positive is the increase in their memory power but not much creative thinking and mental exercise.
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