Sunday, October 23, 2005

Home alone again

My parents are going for another trip and this time, it is for a longer duration. They're leaving tonight and will be away for 9 days. Somehow it's not exactly easier to bear because it's for a longer period of time, though it is the second time. So I kind of helped them to pack and told them things to note because I won't be with them.

I've to settle my own meals during this time and it can be a headache thinking of what to eat. It is also kind of anxious because they're boarding a plane this time and my mind's acting up in terms of paranoid fears towards their safety. They're going with a big group of friends and that should be assuring. There are doctors in the group and they can look after my parents should they fall ill. Also, my sister-in-law is going with them. However the safety factor is beyond human control ultimately and only in God's hands. Thus, prayer is the answer and security. My parents have their rosaries and crucifixes with them so I know that they're with God and Mary.

Still, human nature is such that it tends to have worries. My parents have taken precautions in case of untoward events. The important documentation and contacts have been taken care of. Above all though, I pray that they will be back safely in Singapore on Nov 3rd at 2.30pm. May their guardian angels be with them at all times and make things go smoothly, in God's spirit.

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