Song Kangping wrote to the New Paper about teenagers who are way too materialistic in their lifestyles. It struck a chord with me because I feel this way as well.
Those in affluent societies like Singapore are the ones who belong to this 'club'. The societal pressure has been so dominant that even people who are not financially stable desire to be in this 'club', unconsciously. They are envious of others and try to obtain whatever they see that others possess, without stopping to think as to whether they really need or will use that item. That's kind of foolish, isn't it? It makes them look like copycats and duplicating unoriginals. Have they ever wondered what others will think of them or are they just too caught up in the chase for the latest material trends??
Of course, not all teenagers are like that. There are some rare gems who are an exception. They are thrifty and think carefully before spending their money. They are not averse to taking advantage of the latest sales promotions and offers, so that they can save some money. It's sad to note that these people are the older teenagers.
Ultimately, the money most of them get for spending is from their parents' salaries and not their own. Though it's their allowance and they're entitled to spend it in whatever way they choose to, their choices makes them out to be either wise or foolish.
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