Sunday, January 03, 2010

Ris Low's new venture

I have always been innately critical of her even though I try to be objective in sizing her up. Her latest plan is holding her own version of a beauty pageant. The three awards given out during the pageant are already being done so in legitimate settings. Isn't she not adhering to copyright issues here? She may just get sued for it. Also, she seems strangely proud of it when she labels her pageant as "grand" and "national". Hers is not the only one like that, if it is even legitimate in the first place.

Confusion ensues too when she uses award titles like Gorgeous Young Lady, Hulky Dashing Man and Beautiful Married Woman to describe Miss Singapore, Mr Singapore and Mrs Singapore. Why not just use these self-made labels? At least she won't have to contend with copyright issues. She claims that the three winners can go on to compete on the international platforms. Will it seriously happen? She will have to liaise with the international organizers about her "legitimate" pageant and its winners. Will they even approve of it, much less agree to it?

She seems too coy when asked to reveal more details and the number of sponsors pertaining to her pageant. It shows that her venture may just fall through, perhaps due to the lack of adequate preparation or the lack of sponsors who have seen through its inconcrete nature.

It is one thing to bounce back from adversity with the lessons learnt from prior experiences, but it is another thing to do it in such a dubious manner which will only lead to a greater fall. She has advertised her own grooming classes for women who are thinking of making it big in beauty pageants but seriously, a person who plans to hold such things should not only be adept in language skills but also have a moral character.

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