Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chewing gum is a nuisance

Singapore is known for its ban on chewing gum. It is prohibited everywhere in the country. This is to reinforce the country's reputation for cleanliness. It is indeed an irritation to find that you have touched sticky chewing gum with your fingers or your shoe. It makes it even more repulsive to know that sticky gum means that it has been consumed and saliva is on it.

Spain is also facing the same problem. It had previously implemented fines on those who litter with used gum but this method did not reap the desired result. The latest idea is to make a change to the manufacturing process of chewing gum and to substitute some of the ingredients in it with less sticky substances. This however, may affect the authenticity of chewing gum.

Perhaps Spain should take its cue from us and impose a complete ban on chewing gum as well.

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