Dr Susan Lim has been under scrutiny by the media and the law for her exorbitant medical bills on the sick patient of a royal family. Doctors certainly have the right to charge patients for their services and medicine rendered, but they have to do so within reasonable boundaries. How does charging $400 000 for a $10 000 bill fall within the category?? To make things worse, another charge of $2 million was imposed for other services.
Granted, the royal family has money to pay those bills but the issue here is integrity and true concern for the sick, rather than the desire to make more money and in this case, to fleece rich patients of their money. Should a doctor's purpose not be to cure illness and heal the sick? Call me naive in this thinking, I am not bothered. If a doctor wants to earn more money, there are other jobs that allow these perverts to do so. It is so sad that these people are actually accepted in society, to the extent that medical school entry interviewers are nonchalant when this reason of earning money is given for the candidates' desire to be doctors. On the contrary, real and heartfelt reasons of wanting to heal the sick are seen as false and said just to impress them. What is the world coming to?!
I am not writing this entry without backup. My own doctor actually bothers to check with me if the cost of my medical bill is too high, even though my family can afford to pay it. Her tone is genuine and she does not ask me as a form of duty. She then explains to me the reason for the cost of the medicine.
I really hope Dr Lim is properly disciplined by the medical council and her medical licence be suspended for such unjustifiable costs on patients.
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