I was blogging halfway when suddenly without warning, there was a short circuit and the whole house plunged into utter darkness. My first instinct was to go to the switchboard to turn on the supply but even that didn't work. It was in the night and so the darkness seemed darker, though it was probably a visual illusion.
After calling my neighbour, he helped us to restore the power and the house was flooded with much welcomed light again.
Upon reflection, I thank my friend who helped me to buy my handphone. He knows best about these kind of things and got me a simple yet user-friendly model. At the same time, it's uncommon here and so I feel elite. :P It has a flashlight and that was so very useful during the blackout, as we had only one torchlight working then.
After getting the electrician to come down to check, we discovered that everything in the house was working fine. We couldn't figure out what had caused the blackout.
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