Readers write in the forum pages to express their disapproval over students behaving inappropriately in public places while wearing their school uniforms. They lament on the students' disgrace towards their schools. HOWEVER, what appalls me even more is when teachers themselves act inappropriately in public places.
A teacher insisted on some seats being assigned to her students in a movie theatre. Her reason was that they had been reserved for the children. This in itself is not really a wrong move but it was her next reason that makes me ashamed to be associated with such a person, since I teach too.
The seats were given to a group of members from an old folks' home so that their movements could be easier when entering and exiting the theatre. Instead of seeing this other perspective of the matter, she actually said she didn't bother about their welfare. She had to account to the parents of her children for trusting her to take care of their children.
Shame on her for such a response!! What kind of example is she setting for her children?? Taking care of them is her responsibility but she has probably shattered their perfect impression of her as well as the parents' confidence in her as a good role model for their children. Though she has achieved her goal of looking out for her children's interests, she has done it through unacceptable means!
As a member of society like anyone else, she is obliged to show respect to elders. They have slogged all their lives so that they can enjoy the fruits of their labour and don't deserve to be denied such opportunities by an extremely selfish and foolish person such as this!
Sometimes not fighting for rights because others are made happier is not a silly move. It actually shows a noble spirit in turn. Humility replaces arrogance and people are more impressed, if attention is sought in the first place. It is so true, Vivien Tan, that with teachers such as this, we can't blame students for behaving similarly as well.
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