Long gone are the days when students can just go back home after school to play, like things were when I was in primary school. Even the primary school kids nowadays, granted it's the upper-primary ones, have to meet ridiculously tight deadlines on their homework. One can imagine how much more homework the secondary school students are thrown, with double the number of subjects to take. The situation worsens for A'level and poly students. Once they hit uni level, they'll become full-fledged zombies!
With glamour comes responsibility. Those on scholarships and bursaries aren't spared such pressure but are fed even more! They have to meet higher expectations with more subjects to take and more difficult standards to attain. Education then becomes a murderer and not an advocate! Why not stop focusing on purely academia and start including civic-mindedness as well as social graces too? Yes, the latter can be an unappealing topic to students but if it's presented in a fun and interesting manner, this just may do the trick!
There is a danger in leaving teenagers alone as parents. Hence I can understand why the curfew is imposed on them. They obviously don't realise the negative implications and just want personal freedom. With this negligence comes juvenile delinquency and teenage crime increases.
Once they are left alone and come together, especially in a social setting, they do things that cause repulse in observers. They abuse the trust given unto them, if any, and fall prey to temptation presented in such opportunities. They let themselves loose and unleash their wild and uncontrolled side. Alcoholism, vanity, flirtation and raunchiness abound. What's more disgusting is that they are underaged!!
The test of a true character is someone who is able to resist such temptations, even if they are not underaged. I'm so ashamed to say that boys do a better job at that and I'm a girl. If they think that this means looking 'cool', then they are so wrong, because it just makes them look 'loose' instead!
I'm not sorry for saying all these because it happened in front of my eyes. Of course, not all teenagers are that ill-disciplined and untamed but those few that I saw are enough to repulse me. Though I know these people, I'm not sorry to offend them should they read this because I'm commenting in the capacity of an adult here and they know it.
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