Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jakarta blast has not affected SG very much

It's "interesting " to read that Singapore's major hotels have not increased their security levels after this tragedy, even though Singapore has Marriot and Ritz-Carlton hotels. The marketing director of Marriot and the public relations director may have said otherwise but I'm not surprised if they did it just to dispel fears from the public and for public relations purposes. After all, there are no visible signs that security measures have been implemented. Perhaps the reason is to give potential terrorists a false impression, but is it not better to deter them from committing any audacious attacks and to assure the public of their safety? I believe that this applies to Tanglin Club too.

The rose among the thorns is American Club which has always upheld a strict security level ever since the 911 incident. Kudos to it!

An army major wrote a letter to critique these hotels. I applaud his gutsy response. That should 'wake' the management up. The hotels are certainly lapsed in their security. At the same time, he is objective enough to suggest measures for them to implement.

A Malay reader wrote in too and suggested some good ways to improve our security levels. He feels that schools should include anti-terrorism as part of the curriculum, and security should be increased at public buildings and our transport system.

I am glad to note that hotels are now involved in enhancing security levels. Lee Kwee Swung is a good example of being viligant towards guests who enter his hotel. He secured a man who had a dangerous weapon on him. At the Hotel Security Awards, a new campaign was launched to ensure higher levels, through the increase in drills for the staff and the greater sense of knowledge pertaining to times of evacuation.

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