Friday, January 05, 2007

Ascending the career ladder

UK employers who participated in a survey indicated that weight and body shape is an essential determinant to gaining a promotion. They are of the opinion that slim workers are associated with attitudes of discipline, commitment and seriousness in their work.

I do hope that this view is not held by the employers on a global basis, as it is a sweeping and subjective view to have. I know of people who aren't slim and have established themselves in their respective career fields. A person's character and attitudes aren't determined by how they look!

I feel that if employers hold this view, their subordinates who have such positive attitudes but are not slim, will feel demoralized and start falling into this stereotype built on them. In that case, it is the employers themselves who will have singlehandedly caused that phenomenon, by virtue of their ignorant perceptions. Again, this serves to put external looks on an unnecessary pedestal and indeed, UK employees are embarking on diets to get ahead in their careers. What a sad thing to behold!

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