Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Recruiting of teachers

Sebastian Tan wrote a letter on ensuring the right type of people are chosen to be teachers, so that we don't get errant ones who are detrimental to our children. It is not easy to know which applicant displays deviant behavioural traits though. They may also manifest those traits only when they are already confirmed as teachers.

He also mentioned how a teacher put chilli padi on a child's mouth. I think the public's condemnation of this act is because the parents of this generation treat their children as royalty. They cannot bear to see their precious children be disciplined in such a manner. I remember how my teachers used to hit my knuckle with a ruler. My grandma also put chilli padi on my lips. It is a harsh way to teach what is right but it instills proper fear and respect towards those who are in charge of us.

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