Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Intellectual Snob's comments

She is lucky enough to have the means and opportunity to study abroad. However, that does not give her the perogative to condescend the local students here. Education and knowledge are not granted to cause arrogance, but to be used for the patient welfare of others. Let us give her the benefit of the doubt. There could be local graduates who fit her portrayal, but not every one does.

I have a friend who was educated in top schools in Singapore as well. However, she chose to study here even though she could go abroad. She has turned out to be nothing like how Intellectual Snob portrays the locals as. She is extremely smart, civilized, stylish, cultured, artistic, intelligent, well-travelled, knowledgeable, educated and well-liked. Hah, beat that, Intellectual Snob!

It is not wrong to be opinionated about the world we live in, but we must respect people's feelings in the process of doing so!

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