Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MOH hygiene poster

I first saw it at Serangoon MRT station(Circle line entrance) and was intrigued by how it effectively brought the message of washing our hands to people. It may look repulsive with the hand depicted in a horrifying way, but fear can be a source of motivation to do what should be done.

A reader wrote in to question the fact that it had been placed near a primary school, and that it would be too frightening for the children who see it. I beg to differ. The visual would make them afraid of what would happen to them, should they refrain from washing their hands. It is an effective and excellent way to educate them, with the H1N1 virus so dominant. The present generation of children learn better with visuals. Then again, the advertisement may not appeal to all youths. My student feels that it will not make a difference to her hygiene practices.

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