Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Local female shoppers

It's always interesting to see the way our local women go about their shopping.

They take a long time to look for their items, either alone or with company. They take a longer time in the fitting room when trying out clothes, deciding on whether to buy them or not. They linger on their choices when buying gifts.

When the focus is switched to their company, it is noted that if their companions are men, they present sulky faces behind their backs. I don't blame the men really. Would anyone like it if he was dragged to so many shops which disinterest him and asked to carry bags of purchases not his own? I pity them in fact. Their female companions lack the sensitivity and consideration to ask about how they really feel shopping with them.

Hence, I feel bad asking my male friends to go shopping with me, though some actually don't mind. They find shopping with women fascinating. I go on my own or with female friends.

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