Thursday, November 30, 2006

The handicapped are also humans!

An article which ran in the New Paper on this hearing-impaired boy being taunted by his neightbours, caused indignance in me.

It wasn't his fault that he became as such. Life had dealt him this blow and instead of giving him compassion, they make his life worse. Nothing can describe my disgust towards their absolutely repulsive act of writing insults on the walls, addressed to him. This made him stop talking to people altogether.

I had a hearing-impaired student and she is my friend now. She has as beautiful a heart as anyone else, in fact, even more so. I thank God for her employers who appreciate her and look beyond her disability.

Even religious people do such senseless things to the handicapped. Adults who hold high posts in their organizations actually see the mentally-disabled as threats to their precious children. What is religion for if not to show love and compassion to people around?! This same person also shouted at the disabled boy in front of others. He was just reaching out to people of his age, for God's sake!

Others also gossip about this disabled girl and don't want to talk to her. It is not her fault she became as such. Sad to say, they are my friends and it makes me ashamed to know that. All the catechetical lessons have been wasted on them, apparently. Age is not a reason here.

Just in case you think otherwise, I do talk to these two people when I see them and I did tell my friends off for their remarks, though I wish I could have been harsher to them when I did so.

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