Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Apathy in Singaporeans

Mrs X's case did ingnite some arrogant thoughts in me, that I wouldn't be like the people around her who did nothing to help. However, M Lukshumayeh's letter exactly expressed what the truth of matter is. Would I really spring into action if I were there? The answer is that I wouldn't and this is my justification.

I could have helped two tourists who were confused as to where to order their drinks at, when we were at Vivocity's Food Republic. I did not. I let my shyness overwhelm their need for help. They would have appreciated my help just as I did when I was in London. I could have been a Singaporean that was out of the ordinary, and I felt ashamed to note that another tourist helped them instead.

At the same time, Robert's comments were unjustified. He claimed Mrs X did not approach people for help. She screamed. That would have attracted at least looks from them. It was unfortunate that they did not act after looking. It was not her fault in any way. She tried to attract attention from others.

Lifestyle ran an experiment on the level of indifference in Singaporeans and true enough, only one Singaporean tried to stop a couple from further aggression in their quarrel. The majority stood and gawked at the scenario. I think I would be like the person who called the security officers to intervene when he/she saw it, afraid of my personal safety and preferring to remain anonymous in looking for help.

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