Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The impact of tragic history over time

It has been 8 years since the 911 Twin Towers tragedy in America. When that day came, I remembered that incident, and I'm not an American. However, when I read in the newspapers that the American students merely treat it as a part of their country's history and seem to be apathetic towards something so close to their doors, I was speechless.

Singapore went through a harrowing time during the Japanese Occupation, and that was about 65 years ago. I still remember that. 65 years is much longer than 8 years. What is it with those students?

They find the lesson on this tragedy boring, tedious and dreary, and treat it as a time for relaxation. When asked to write on the tragedy, they give apathetic statements that show their distant feelings. What more is there to say?

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