Saturday, September 12, 2009

A teacher's moral downfall

A US teacher has not been able to get another teaching job ever since she was dismissed from her previous one. Her claim that it was due to her indecent photos shows that she is blaming the school for using this poor reason as a justification for its actions. What is there to blame? She seems to think that the photos are nothing immoral. As she was a teacher, they were going against the moral values she should be advocating to the youths out there. A teacher's identity is not separate from her personal life, contrary to what she may think. She is a figure of authority in society. Her students will still recognise her outside their classes.

She attributes her present pornographic job to the school's decision. If she had not taken on the hostess job while she was a teacher, it would not have landed her in this present situation. She caused herself all this pain. If she had needed another job then, she could have taken on a better one. Money shouldn't cause one to compromise on one's values, and in this case, employment. It is ironic how she told a news outlet that "(she was) an educated woman but (had) never thought it would come to (that)". She did not use her level of education well enough then. She had failed to consider the repercussions of her initial choice beforehand. She should have known better than to choose that particular job while still being in the teaching industry.

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