Saturday, November 10, 2007

Schools' reactions to Click Five's visit

A recent furore over this boyband's visit to Singapore was reported in the Sunday Times. Being an alumnus of one of the schools, I am not agreeable with the principal's decision of having allowed the boyband to visit the school. The reason is because it clashes with the values the school is supposed to inculcate in its students. 'Simple in Virtue' embodies the trait of simplicity in mindset. The students' excessive boy-crazy fanaticism towards the band members when they came to the school is unbecoming and contrary to the school's motto. If the band weren't allowed to visit, there would be fewer opportunities in allowing the school's values to be eroded within the students.

On the contrary, PLMGS's principal rejected the request to let the band visit her school. I applaud that move because it shows that she takes the mission of retaining the school's values in the students seriously enough, and she blatantly stated it too. That takes courage, to go against the mass and her popularity with the students. She is really standing up for the proper values in life. The students are unfortunately too narrow-minded and immature to see the good she really means by this move, as an alumnus wrote.

Of course, this is my personal opinion but at the same time, I am writing it as a former student of my own school.

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