Monday, December 17, 2007

Academic qualifications are merely entry proofs

Some of the students at SJI Junior had not done very well in the PSLE Math paper and this made their parents unhappy. I feel that looking at things in the long-term future, it does not indicate that they will be failures in life.

Their Math grades may affect their secondary school postings but the school they go to does not determine their character and worth. I know of someone who went to a neighbourhood school but shone in there to hold various leadership positions. It was her hardworking and persevering attitude that got her up the ladder, even though she was in a "lousy" school.

Besides, the PSLE is merely the most basic of the various academic certificates in Singapore. It is the ITE certificate, polytechnic diploma or the university degree that will enable the student to get a good job. No one hires a PSLE graduate even if he has the highest aggregate score in the country. I think the parents had overlooked or even forgotten this point.

On another note, a university degree, regardless of whether it is a basic degree or a doctorate degree, can get you entry into a good job with a high salary and great benefits, but it is really the character and attitude that you have as a worker that is a gauge of your job performance.

I was hired to help out with administrative duties and data entry even though I am a Literature graduate. It certainly has nothing to do with commerce but what got me hired was my willingness to learn, according to what I was told. This is just one instance of how I had impressed my superior then.

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