Sunday, December 23, 2007

Violence personified

A few teenagers, one of them a girl, assaulted two young siblings for hogging the game box at a video game fair. If the siblings had indeed been playing for too long, they could have done the proper thing by complaining to the staff instead of taking things into their own hand. What gives them the right to do so? Age? The siblings are merely children, for goodness sake!

The video game must be so popular that they were willing to endure assault while playing it. I also wonder if the mother had ingrained the lesson of either escaping or seeking help when attacked properly, or else they would not have given such a casual reaction to her question. Best Denki could have also imposed a time limit on customers who wish to try the game out, so that more of them can do so. Though most game stores do not do so, being the exception is fine.

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