Friday, December 07, 2007

Choose our heroes carefully and the benefit of writing in a journal

A poll carried out on British boys saw a quarter of them choosing footballers as their heroes rather than their own fathers. Though they gave the reasons as negligence and even abandonment by their fathers, this is still a shock.

They probably see only the good and victorious side of the footballers on television, how they help their teams to score goals and bring honour. Do they know that there is a seedy side to some of these heroes of theirs? Some are promiscuous and adulterous, being guilty of sexual assault and even rape. They make use of their fame to seduce teenage girls who foolishly fall for their charm and feel it is a privilege to be intimate with such stars. It happens even in our local scene, sad to say.

Sandra Leong introduced the art of venting one's feelings in a journal. I have been doing that since young and it is something intimate. Yes, it improves your thought processes and your ability to express your feelings, besides your language skills, but it also remains a secret between you and the persona in your diary. Some things are just too personal and private to write about in a public blog and to tell even your closest friends.

It is therapeutic in that you get to release your pent-up grievances but more importantly, as the journal is portable, you can turn to it at any moment, especially immediately after the incident has taken place. I have written in my journal just a minute after I had written in it earlier. The thoughts and feelings just keep flooding my insides....

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