Friday, December 07, 2007

It's not always the fault of the salespeople

Liang Dingzi wrote on an encounter in a supermarket. He realised that a new salesgirl had not been properly trained by her superiors when she was clearly fumbling on the job. I do agree with his view. The management should also take the blame for her poor performance. Perhaps she was a slow learner or was not very open to the way the company did things. In that case, the company should not have put her immediately on the job or could have at least first put her with a more experienced salesperson to assist her.

In this time of Christmas shopping, customers abound and the existing salespeople will find it difficult to cope with their incessant demands. Thus, this may have been a reason to rush her into her job so soon. However, it will definitely backfire. She was ill-prepared and will not be able to be so quick on her toes as compared to the more experienced staff. Her lack of familiarity with the tasks will also cost her a level of efficiency in her service. She herself will feel embarrassed at her performance but who is she to blame her superiors for their untimely decision? They won't admit they were wrong. They have to maintain their 'face'.

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